NEMESIS ; Goddess of Justice, Revenge, Retribution and Punishment. She is also in the Roman Pantheon. She is responsible for the transport of souls of the guilty to Tartarus. She is symbolized sometimes by the fabulous winged griffon.

PAN : God of Wilderness, Nature , Pastures and Shepherds. He is the personification of untamed and undisciplined procreation in Nature.
Good Evening Folks ! Well, better late than never, I suppose. :)
I do apologize for this getting up so late, but I've been rather tied up. I wish I had been tied up in a "fun kind of way" , but that hasn't been the case. lol. Mostly WORK , you know .. of the domestic kind. Anyway, I'm here now. We are still going through the Greek Pantheon. I am running out of MAJOR Gods and Goddesses in the Greek Pantheon and feel it only appropriate to march on to the Roman one after this. We shall see.
All CUPWA students ; You will receive extra credits for any research done on any one of the Gods or Goddesses of the Week. Please talk to Willow concerning this if you have any questions. Any discussion about any of the Gods or Goddesses can be posted on the facebook fan page under the Discussion tab. Just place the name of the God or Goddess in the subject line.
All of you have a grand week !
Goddess Bless, Rain Dove
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