
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pagan Sayings and Abbreviations

Hello and Goodbye
To say hello you can say:

Bright BlessingsorMerry Meet.
To say goodbye you can say:

Merry Meet, Merry Part And Merry Meet Again.
It basically means: 'Nice to have met you, take care and hope to see you again soon'. This can also be said when talking to God and Goddess at the end of ritual.

Blessed Be.
As the Christians would say, 'God Bless' or 'Amen'. This is said more often than the Christian Amen. It can be said sometimes at the end of Rituals, Spells or even used to end an email to a fellow Wiccan friend!

Im going to Circle.
As Christians would say, 'Im going to church' (Taking part in a ritual of their faith) Wiccans say 'I'm going to circle'. They mean the same thing.

Sayings used often during rituals

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
You give/take/send whatever your subject or objective maybe, with Perfect Love and Trust. This saying can be used when doing Magick or used in a Ritual.

Blessed Be.
As the Christians would say, 'God Bless' or 'Amen'. It is sometimes said at the end of Rituals, Spells.

So Mote It Be.
Sometimes said at the end of spells. It confirms what you have said in your spell, 'so it shall be'

As I Will It, So Shall It Be.
Basically the same thing: you are stressing that what you just did will really happen.

Merry Meet, Merry Part And Merry Meet Again.
Although this simply means 'Nice to have met you, take care and hope to see you again soon' it can also be used to close a ritual by taking leave of the God and Goddess at the end.

As Above And So Below
As Above And So Below is a variation on the old Hermetic Axiom 'As above, so below'. The original meaning is that everything is connected and what happens below is reflected in the stars (astrology) and vice versa.

In Wicca it means everything is in balance and you would not want it any other way.

Pagan and Wiccan abbreviations

You would close and email with the following abbreviations to shorten the greetings

BB : Brightest Blessings
MM: Merry Meet
MMA: Merry Meet Again

Just a little side note about the abbreviations, Rev. Ed and Myself do not like the abbriviations, we believe one should never shortcut on greetings, we feel its rude. We do understand why many do it online because of the cell phones. If you ever sit in one of our classes you will quickly learn we just don't like it. Call us old school, but its one of those changes we have never embraced. To each there own and Many Blessings to you all :)

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